Tiny Voices (from Stranger Than Fiction) | Discography | The Bad Religion Page - Since 1995
Quote of the day: "She was living on the edge of a knife. His head was filled with restless ghosts. It's so easy to love a bringer of destruction. She said, "Darling I love you madly"." - The Devil in Stitches
Tiny Voices
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Written by: Greg Graffin
Released in: 1994
BPM: 148
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The brown and orange sky holds its breath
As the sun retreats to the distant horizon,
And our hearts palpitate anxiously as we soon will lay supine
And wait for sleep to overcome us.

And from somewhere in our black,
Subconscious minds when we're asleep,
Comes a haunting swelling mass of voices,
Resonating, its screams of forgotten victims and the cries of innocence,
And the desperate plea for recognition and recompense.

Tiny voices, echoes of our heritage,
Our long and sallow faces turn the other way,
Tiny voices, harbored deep within
As we outwardly deny that they have something to say,
And if we don't confront them they will never go away.

The billions of tiny pinhole embers fade into a morning sky
Filled with poignant morose wonder,
Waking we bear a cosmetic peace that verifies the turmoil
That we carry deep inside.

And from somewhere in our black,
Subconscious minds when we're asleep,
Comes a haunting swelling mass of voices,
Resonating, its screams of forgotten victims and the cries of innocence,
And the desperate plea for recognition and recompense.

Tiny voices, echoes of our heritage,
Our long and sallow faces turn the other way,
Tiny voices, harbored deep within
As we outwardly deny that they have something to say,
And if we don't confront them they will never go away.

Version Length Release Catalog ID Country Format Year
Album version
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States MC 2018
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Europe CD 2018
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Europe 12" 2018
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 86994-2 United States CD 2018
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Europe 12" 2013
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 6994-1 Europe 12" 2013
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 6994-1 United States 12" 2010
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States 12" 2009
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction R1 82658 United States 12" 2009
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 82658-2 United States CD 2004
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction n/a Russia MC 1996
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction ESCA 6057 Japan CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Germany MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343-1 Germany 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343-1 Germany 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Germany 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343-1 Germany 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Brazil 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 82658-2 United States CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction CD 82658 Canada CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343 60 Europe CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 82658-4 United States MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Spain MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Canada MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Yugoslavia MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United Kingdom 12" 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Russia CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 82658-2 United States CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343 2 Israel CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction United States CD 1994
Not specified
Stranger Than Fiction United States 12" 2018
2.36 Stranger Than Fiction 86994-1GRY United States 12" 2018
Stranger Than Fiction United States 12" 2018
Stranger Than Fiction EPIT-69942 Europe CD 2008
Stranger Than Fiction Russia CD 1997
Stranger Than Fiction DRA SAMP 2262 2 Germany CD 1995
Stranger Than Fiction PRCD 5742-2 United States CD 1995
Stranger Than Fiction 82658-4 United States MC 1994
Stranger Than Fiction United States MC 1994
Stranger Than Fiction MJM337M Poland MC 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction Canada CD 1994
Stranger Than Fiction DRA 477343 2 Germany CD 1994
Stranger Than Fiction MATTCD003 Australia CD 1994
2:36 Stranger Than Fiction 82658-2 United States CD 1994
Stranger Than Fiction Germany MC 1994
Stranger Than Fiction 78 26584 Canada MC 1994
Stranger Than Fiction 82658 United States MC 1994
Stranger Than Fiction 789.076 | 2-477343 Brazil CD 1994
Info from 'The Answer'
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Song interpretations (6)

Location: Australia
03/28/2024 at 03:59

Location: Global Citizen
06/07/2018 at 01:51

Location: Global Citizen
07/11/2004 at 17:31

Location: Global Citizen
07/11/2004 at 17:31
Adam Style

Location: Global Citizen
07/11/2004 at 17:31

Location: Global Citizen
07/11/2004 at 17:31
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